Definitions and images to illustrate geological terms, links to images and website articles
Labels: asthenosphere, basalt, kimberlite pipes, olivine, ophiolite complexes, peridotite, pyroxene, serpentine, serpentinite, ultrabasic, ultramafic, upper mantle, xenoliths
Labels: anticline, discordant, folding, hinge, phacolith, strata, syncline
Labels: igneous rock, phenocryst, porphyritic, porphyry
Labels: aphanitic, batholith, bysmolith, diapir, dike, diorite, gabbro, Granite, igneous, laccolith, magma, phaneritic, plutonic, rhyolite, sill
Labels: aphanite, metallic ore, phanerite, phenocryst, porphyry
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