Shear zones involve volumes of rock
deformed by shearing stress under
brittle-ductile or
ductile conditions, typically in subduction zones at depths down to
10-20 km. Shear zones often occur at the edges of tectonic blocks, forming discontinuities that mark distinct terranes. Shear zones can host ore bodies as a result of hydrothermal flow through orogenic belts, are commonly metasomatized, and often display some retrograde metamorphism from a peak metamorphic assemblage.
Close to the Earth's surface, cool rocks respond to
tectonic stresses with
fracture and
faulting. At greater depths than ductile shear zones,
migmatites result from high temperature/high pressure prograde
Barrovian regional metamorphism, and at still higher temperatures, rocks melt to form
Transpression regimes, such as the Alpine Fault zone of New Zealand, form during
oblique collision of tectonic plates and during non-orthogonal subduction. Transpression typically generates oblique-slip thrust faults, strike-slip faults, or transform faults. Microstructural evidence of transpressional regimes include
rodding lineations,
augen-structured gneisses, and
mica fish.
Transtension regimes are
oblique tensional environments that result in oblique, normal geologic faults and detachment faults in rift zones. Microstructural evidence of transtension includes rodding or
stretching lineations,
stretched porphyroblasts, and
Shear zones can extend from centimeters to several kilometres in width, and display deformation,
folding, and
foliations in
dynamically altered rocks (
breccias, cataclasites,
L-S breccia or
cataclasite is formed, with the rock milled and
broken into a
mélange of random fragments.
Pseudotachylites form at depths from
5-10 km, where confining pressures are focused into discrete fault planes and are sufficient to prevent brecciation and milling. The frictional heating at these depths can melt the rock to form pseudotachylite glass or
mylonite, and adjacent to these zones, can result in growth of new mineral assemblages.
At greater depths, angular breccias transform into
ductile shear textures and
mylonite zones, as ductile shear zones accommodate compressive stress through
dislocation creep within minerals, fracturing of minerals and regrowth of
sub-grain boundaries, or by
lattice glide along
preferred orientation foliation planes in
Within the depth range of
ductile deformation conditions prevail and frictional heating is dispersed throughout shear zones, resulting in distributed deformation and a weaker thermal imprint. Here, deformation forms
mylonites, with dynamothermal metamorphism observed rarely as the growth of
porphyroblasts in mylonite zones.
subduction zone magmas ◙
[links: images:
fabric in simple shear;
shear zone experiment;
formations: mylonitic migmatitic granite-gneiss in
shear zone, Epupa Complex, S of Red Drum, NW Namibia;
Golden Eagle Shear Zone, Yukon;
melt enhanced shear zone, along the base of an intruding batholith;
shear zone in the axial zone of the Pyrenees, Parc natural del Cap de Creus, Spain;
dike cutting a shear zone, Snake Range, Nevada;
sheath fold in boulder, Tarfala Valley, Sweden, and
sheath folds, nSweden;
fold in high strain zone, NZ;
close-ups: ultramylonite core (~1 cm thick) from
ductile shear zone of the Diana Syenite of the NW Adirondacks;
shear zone related fold in the Kohistan Arc Complex, Northern Pakistan;
rock texture in shear zone; rock in
ductile shear zone;
right-lateral, ductile shear zone;
anorthosite in ductile shear zone, Adirondacks; close-up of
dextral shear zone;
leucosome cuts gneissic layering; 1.7 Ga foliated
quartz monzonite of
Boulder Creek batholith in
Idaho Springs-Ralston shear zone with strong
mylonitic (sheared) fabric that parallels the shear zone,
1.7 Ga metapelite (metamorphic marine claystone) that includes large
porphyroblasts of pink quartz and andalusite (dull dark gray blocky crystals), and wavy alignment of porphyroblasts in this rock with a mylonitic fabric indicates a
complex deformation history; with en echelon antithetic veins in
dextral shear zone, Baraboo Quartzite;
sigmoidal antithetic fractures in a dextral shear zone, Tiddiline Conglomerate, Bou Azzer inlier, Morocco;
mylonitic marble in shear zone, Escambray Massif, Central Cuba;
lower greenschist facies shear zone cutting basement schists,
assymmetric clast of pegmatite,
assymmetric pod of leucogranite in schist,
ptygmatic folds of leucogranite in schist,
assymmetric pod of schist, Cap De Creus, neSpain;
thin-sections: thin section of Lower Ordovician Pinnak Sandstone showing multiple tectonic foliations, the most prominent of which is a
crenulation cleavage that overprints an early fine foliation; euhedral staurolite (yellow pleochroic in PPL)
overgrows shear zone between large light coloured plagioclase porphyroblasts (graphite inclusions outline shear zone, staurolite crystals postkinematic); garnet with spiral-shaped inclusion trails indicating synkinematic growth, and a
dextral sense of shear;
cataclasite-mylonite in shear zone;
block diagram - shear zone host for gold, geometric relationships between structural elements of zone and veins; region within macroscopic shear zone illustrating
bimodal porosity distribution within shear zone;
model of shear zone]
Labels: brittle, cataclasite, cataclism, ductile, mélange, mylonite, porphyroblast, pseudotachylite, shear zones, tectonism, tectonites