greenstone belts

Greenstone belts are interpreted as having formed at ancient oceanic spreading centers and island arc terranes.
◙ greenstone-hosted quartz-carbonate vein deposits ◙ GQCV
Shield greenstones are located in:
● Slave craton of Canada (Archaean and Proterozoic)
● Pilbara craton of Australia (Archaean)
● Barberton greenstone belt in Kapvaal craton of southeastern Africa (Archaean)
● western Africa (Archaean and Proterozoic)
● Madagascar (Archaean and Proterozoic)
● Isua greenstone belt of southwestern Greenland (Archaean)
● shield area in Brazil (Archaean)
● Baltic craton of Scandinavia and the Kola Peninsula (Archaean and Proterozoic).
[links: images: hand-specimens: greenschists; 3.5 Ga komatiite from Lower Onverwacht Group of Barberton Greenstone Belt; formations: greenschists; Storø shear zone; geological maps: world distribution of world class greenstone-hosted quartz-carbonate vein deposits; Canadian greenstone-hosted quartz-carbonate vein districts; northeast-trending "greenstone" belts of ancient gneiss alternating with belts of metamorphosed volcanic and sedimentary rocks in Minnesota and Canada, Superior Province greenstone belts; x-c, and diagramatic model of northeast-trending belts most likely result from structural deformation of the crust following the formation of the volcanic and sedimentary rocks; diagrams: greenstone belts; model for deposition of volcanic and sedimentary rocks; setting of greenstone -hosted quartz-carbonate vein deposit]
Labels: Archean, chlorite, greenschist, greenstone belts, island arc, mafic, metamorphic, minerals, ocean ridges, Proterozoic, sedimentary rock, shield, ultramafic, volcanic