on-site diagrams, links to item:
A : aa lava; angular unconformity; schematic of an anticline, road cut exposure of anticlinal fold with syncline to right; argillic horizon in soil, argillic soil;
B : Baltica; basaltic aa flow; basalt breccia with epidote groundmass; basalt textures; batholith (Half Dome); breccia (basaltic) with epidote groundmass
C : cratons in world geologic provinces
D : diapir schematic, diapiric salt glacier, diapir at surface;
H : Half Dome; horst and graben;
E : epidote groundmass in basaltic breccia; eruption column (volcano)
F : fault; fault attributes, fault - vertical vs stratigraphic throw, fault - horst and graben; fault types; fold anatomy; fold - anticline and syncline; fold - oblique cuts; folding; footwall of fault
G : gabbro textures; Gondwana; graben; granite textures;
I : igneous structures;
K : kaolinite
L : lava (basaltic aa); lava flows; Laurentia;
M : monocline schematic; montmorillonite
N : normal fault; nonconformity;
O : ophiolite complexes; overturned and recumbent folds;
P : peridotite; phenocryst; plutonic structures in North America (map);
R : recumbent and overturned folds; reverse (thrust) fault; Rodinia;
S : slump; strike-slip fault; syncline schematic, syncline;
T : thrust (reverse) fault;
U : unconformity;
V : vein; volcano schematic; volcanism;
W : Waterpocket Fold monocline;
Y : Yosemite (Half Dome)
A : aa lava; angular unconformity; schematic of an anticline, road cut exposure of anticlinal fold with syncline to right; argillic horizon in soil, argillic soil;
B : Baltica; basaltic aa flow; basalt breccia with epidote groundmass; basalt textures; batholith (Half Dome); breccia (basaltic) with epidote groundmass
C : cratons in world geologic provinces
D : diapir schematic, diapiric salt glacier, diapir at surface;
H : Half Dome; horst and graben;
E : epidote groundmass in basaltic breccia; eruption column (volcano)
F : fault; fault attributes, fault - vertical vs stratigraphic throw, fault - horst and graben; fault types; fold anatomy; fold - anticline and syncline; fold - oblique cuts; folding; footwall of fault
G : gabbro textures; Gondwana; graben; granite textures;
I : igneous structures;
K : kaolinite
L : lava (basaltic aa); lava flows; Laurentia;
M : monocline schematic; montmorillonite
N : normal fault; nonconformity;
O : ophiolite complexes; overturned and recumbent folds;
P : peridotite; phenocryst; plutonic structures in North America (map);
R : recumbent and overturned folds; reverse (thrust) fault; Rodinia;
S : slump; strike-slip fault; syncline schematic, syncline;
T : thrust (reverse) fault;
U : unconformity;
V : vein; volcano schematic; volcanism;
W : Waterpocket Fold monocline;
Y : Yosemite (Half Dome)